Neck and Back Pain Treatment in Frisco
Are you tired of living with persistent neck or back pain that limits mobility and disrupts daily life? At Taylor Family Chiropractic, we know how this can affect your well-being. Our family-friendly practice, led by our skilled chiropractors, Dr. Taylor and Dr. Jumper, welcomes patients of all ages seeking effective relief.
Understanding Your Discomfort
Back pain often arises due to decreased mobility in the affected area. When your body experiences this discomfort, it responds by trying to protect the area, resulting in restricted joint movement and increased pressure on nerves. This cycle can lead to standard back pain cases.
Neck discomfort may result from many issues—poor posture, disc issues in the cervical spine, “tech neck” from overuse of electronic devices, auto accidents, or anything that strains the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Caring for a Range of Conditions
Our team is well-versed in identifying and correcting various conditions contributing to your discomfort, including addressing issues like disc bulges, herniations, sprains, strains, and spasms, whiplash, headaches, shooting pain in the arms or legs, and more. Whether your pain is sharp, radiating, or persistent, we’re here to help.
Techniques to Address Your Discomfort
Our primary approach to your discomfort is through chiropractic adjustments. We use manual manipulation techniques to restore proper joint movement, alleviate nerve pressure, and reduce pain. Additionally, we use Russian Stim, a medium-frequency electrical modality, to fatigue muscles around the joint. This dual-action therapy relieves discomfort and promotes increased movement, ensuring smoother and more comfortable adjustments.
The Road to Relief
The road to relief from your discomfort varies depending on the condition and severity. We may recommend a more aggressive plan for those experiencing shooting, sharper, or radiating pain, with sessions three times a week. Standard cases often require a less intense approach, with sessions twice a week. Most patients experience significant improvements within the first two weeks, with many feeling close to 90% better.
Start Feeling Better Today
Don’t let neck or back pain keep you from living life to its fullest. Taylor Family Chiropractic offers natural solutions to help you find relief and restore function. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation.